Hey everyone! This is your guide speaking, Dawn. I wanted to thank you for joining me on this amazing journey. The biggest thing I can share with you right now is this is YOUR practice. You are the teacher. I am going to guide you through different movements, breaths, and sounds. As a teacher you respond appropriately for your body and mind. If something feels uncomfortable - PERFECT!!! Stay with it and feel that awkwardness - you will learn something about how you respond when being challenged. If you feel pain, strain, or pinching - your beautiful nervous system is speaking to you. Sometimes it will be a gentle whisper and sometimes like WTH...don't ignore it. Take a break and then come back when you are ready. Slow it down where you can smile and breathe. Give yourself permission to adjust to realign yourself in a space of "I am good". If you cannot smile and breathe while practicing then where are you...it's yoga. Practice in a space of Easeful Peaceful Useful.
I would love to here from you. Who are you? Where are you? How's it going? Whatever you do - DO NOT QUIT. Oh yes I did just say that all in caps. Quitting is a habit - what if you stick it out...what could go right?
Peace, Love, & Light Y'all!!!