Classes are so quiet...yes they are! I don't always play music in my group classes. On this site it would cost me A LOT of money to get the rights to even go there. maybe one day, but not this day. Sorry.
These are the 2 reasons I don't play music in my own practice; I get distracted really easily, so music can really take me away from what I am doing. Also, I really want to pay attention to my inner dialogue. I am so not making this up either. You can not know where you are unless you can be by yourself to observe it. I love music and it can take you to magical places, however think of your yoga practice as an opportunity to get really good at being with yourself, by yourself.
If you think 'OMG there is no way this is going to work for me'. Hang on! Play music softly in the background and let it be simple, not a lot of words so I lose you. Yoga is an inward journey - keep it simple sweetie!
Any questions yogis?