The breath is one of our biggest teachers. When we tune in to the present moment our natural breath brings awareness to where and how we are. We can also direct the breath through pranayama to change that state for a specific purpose.
The Gratitude Breath moves us into the parasympathetic nervous system. This is a space of I am safe, supported, and calm. It can be utilized when facing adversity or challenging times in life.
The Breath of Fire is a powerful cleansing exercise. It has the ability to clear stagnant energy and balance the 3rd chakra, manipura. It is the center of our willpower and ego.
Take time to listen and locate where your breath is.
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Day 12 Sadhana for Letting Go
Notice where you are, how you are responding, and what needs to be adjusted. You are doing amazing!!!
Day 13 Sadhana for Letting Go
Did you know that our minds and bodies crave repetition, especially when it is favorable like a reward?
The reward pathway is connected to areas associated with memory and behavior. So once you finish something pleasurable — a reward — your brain will remember this behavior and make sure you rep...
Day 14 Sadhana for Letting Go
The upper energy centers bring us the ability to trust our truth to see ourselves in everything and every area of the world. Connection and Faith are the drivers.
The lower energy centers are directly associated with our humanness; me, myself, and I. From the things we have, need, or want that d...