In today's class, we stay in our seats. It is amazing how much warmth can be created without even getting up.
Can you be okay with being told to sit and stay?
For some, this may be torture. However, the kundalini yoga practice is quite dynamic. It has the ability to change where and how you are quickly and effectively.
Relish in the simplicity of this practice's magic!
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Day 9 Sadhana for Letting Go
Sat Nam can be translated as...
Truth is my name, my identity, my purpose.When we speak, think, and act from this place, we are aligned with our intuition and/or the heart. It feels good, supportive, and safe.
It takes awareness and practice to adjust to what you desire. Old habits, self-limit...
Day 10 Sadhana for Letting go
This process of letting go requires you to show up and answer the call of the heart.
1. Be still to listen to the body, mind, and heart's call.
2. Accept what you need. Change comes with a need, want, or desire.
3. Surrender and act by doing and/or saying what is needed to fully support yoursel... -
Day 11 Sadhana for Letting Go
The breath is one of our biggest teachers. When we tune in to the present moment our natural breath brings awareness to where and how we are. We can also direct the breath through pranayama to change that state for a specific purpose.
The Gratitude Breath moves us into the parasympathetic nervo...