This class is all about freeing up the hips. You may pause or modify but don't quit. Stay steady on the chant to direct the mind and move creatively to where you want to go!
PAUSE AS MUCH AS YOU NEED...take a few breaths and begin again when you feel ready. It is about moving freely within the body, so do not force or push. It is your practice!
*option to practice from a chair!
**if you experience vertigo, when twisting keep your head facing forward as you twist through spine.
Up Next in Kundalini Yoga
We make decisions all day. Life's choices place you in the past, present, or future. This class we practice the pause. It is here you allow yourself to feel the present moment. When you create space for this you will begin to direct your life to where and how you want to feel and be ~ Growth!
PA... -
Love & Compassion
Time to get into our practice – to love. It will feel cleansing we go deep into the physical body, our emotions, and the ego to move us in the rhythm of our hearts. You will feel your heart vibration, radiance, and life!!! When you begin to move more from a space of love you may feel some incredi...
Speak Your Truth
Today's class we move with Sat Nam which means truth is my name, identity, and essence. Allow yourself to find that space where you are strong, mobile, and speaking clearly. This class connects your willpower and truth.
PAUSE AS MUCH AS YOU NEED...take a few breaths and begin again when you feel...