Resting in the Known ~ A Spiritual Practice
The need to know subsides, and the challenges melt away. Resting in the self is waking up from what we are not into the state we call unity consciousness, where the memory of wholeness returns. It's a seeing, a knowing, that is utterly pure. It's without thought, without associations. It's nonverbal and completely intuitive.
Allow your sadhana to become the perfect place for a body, mind, and spirit hug.
It should not be hard or complicated, however, a sweet washing of yesterday's worries and tomorrow's fears to rest in today's gratitude.
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Day 35 Sadhana
The definition of mobility is the ability to move or be moved freely and easily. Think of where your hips are and what they connect you to.
They are the keepers of your womb space ~ the place where things are birthed, inspired, felt, and flow.
Below them, they connect you to your foundation and...
Day 36 Sadhana
This class is a kriya set that will turn on, reboot, and jump-start your lymphatic, circulatory, and respiratory systems. It will wake you up in the body, mind, and spirit!
According to the Google Dictionary stimulation means:
encouragement of something to make it develop or become more active.
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Day 37 Sadhana
Har Hari
It is cathartic. It will allow relief as you direct your voice, belly, and movements. It is an aid to clearing out the "shoulda, woulda, couldas" in your patterns, thoughts, and actions to create possibilities.
Transformation and manifestation happen within this work. It is where we f...