Grab a blanket or a block before pushing play for this class!
When life internally or externally seems chaotic, may I suggest taking 3-10 minutes to invert yourself?
Inversions are postures that allow the blood to move toward the head. We do it all the time either when the head is below the heart or the feet are above the head.
In this class, I offer to place a blanket or block under the buttocks and lift feet towards the ceiling. Another option is to move yourself to a wall and swing your legs up against the wall while keeping your entire back on the floor. These two options are my favorite because they do not require you to work!
Some of the benefits;
Reverses the flow of your blood, which acts like a filtration system. 'Filtering' through the chaos to create more clarity.
Moves you into a parasympathetic state which helps reduces stress and anxiety.
Relieves tension in the legs and low back. It is the greatest time out to tune in where you are.
This is like the greatest grown-ups 'time out'. Put yourself here daily before bed to set yourself up for the best digestive sleep.
Up Next in 1
Day 32 Sadhana
Being grateful with a slight smile just seems right. Try it!
Day 33 Sadhana
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."
― Maya Angelou
When I think about building strength, courage needs to accompany the journey. At some point, you will be tempted by your mind to fall back into old patte...
Day 34 Sadhana
Resting in the Known ~ A Spiritual Practice
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