Today's class began with our spinal flex by moving the head to open and close the throat. This is the practice of saying YES to the things you really want to do.
Not that you kind of want to do it, but a HELL YES sign me up kind;)
We then followed it by shrugging our shoulders.
Was it hard or challenging for you? Tension can really build up in this area. I refer to this area as holding up the weight of the world.
Think of shrugging the shoulders as a space keeper. It provides a pause and releases the pressure to say YES when you really aren't sure.
Shrugging to say MAYBE to what is being asked of you.
I used to over-commit myself in all areas of my life, so I created this space-keeping practice. My kids grew up with a lot of 'maybes' and I received many eye rolls. As young adults, they now are really good at practicing this balancing act.
How do you create space to remain in balance in life?
Up Next in 1
Day 5 Sadhana
The more and more you drop into where are you in your heart, body, and mind, the easier it is to filter through what is YOUR truth.
Day 6 Sadhana
The first Saturday of our 40-day journey. For some, it feels like any other day. While others it could mean a day off from work. It could even be a traveling day.
When you are establishing a daily practice, it doesn't care where, when, or how you are showing up. It just matters that you do ~ sh...
Day 7 Sadhana
It is time to pour gratitude into where and how you are.
No worries if you missed a day. Don't allow shame or guilt to enter this beautiful space you have created for yourself. The practice doesn't matter how you show up, it matters that you return to it.
I want you to focus on where you are r...