The first Saturday of our 40-day journey. For some, it feels like any other day. While others it could mean a day off from work. It could even be a traveling day.
When you are establishing a daily practice, it doesn't care where, when, or how you are showing up. It just matters that you do ~ show up.
It is like anything else when trying to learn something new, practice with consistency will require discipline and devotion. Willpower!
40-days of doing this will build your willpower.
The ability to say YES to you.
If life gets in the way and you fall out of practice, let me encourage you to lean into it. "Show up and you will be held up", said Yoga Bhajan.
Up Next in 1
Day 7 Sadhana
It is time to pour gratitude into where and how you are.
No worries if you missed a day. Don't allow shame or guilt to enter this beautiful space you have created for yourself. The practice doesn't matter how you show up, it matters that you return to it.
I want you to focus on where you are r...
Day 8 Sadhana
Week 2 starts off with a new breath and chant!
Breath of Fire has so many benefits including:
reduce stress
boost brain function and energizes
improve respiratory system
strengthen abdominal muscles
improve digestionWe will be using this breath off and on throughout our 40-day sadhana. Don't w...
Day 9 Sadhana
When wishing for something new, how do you create room for it?
This morning, I made a list of the things I wish 'less' of and the things I want 'more' of. It is kind of like creating a pros and cons list. Let me encourage you to not place good or bad, positive or negative on what arises. This is...