Balancing the...
The left and right hemispheres of the brain.
We need both to work optimally in our life. Imagine you are so connected you clearly hear what the body, mind, and spiritual needs are.
When one area is dominant it may prevent you from the message to rest or rise.
"Sweetie, you need to get up."
" Sweetie, you need to sit down."
Do you know how your soul self would speak to you? And, where would you feel it in your body?
In different yogic philosophies, some believe in your heart, and some in your navel center. I invite you to explore where in your body are you being directed ~ if it is not in either of those places, what is driving your actions, thoughts, and words?
This is why the Kundalini yoga tradition is cathartic. It provides a safe and supportive practice to clean and clear up the energetic debris of the built-up patterns based on fear, anxiety, and self-limiting beliefs.
Balancing our energy takes practice, discipline, and devotion. How do you know when you are balanced? When making a decision it only takes a few seconds and the answer makes you feel good.
No worries...
Keep showing up and you will be held up ~ Yogi Bhajan
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Day 20 Sadhana for Letting Go
Congratulations! You have made it to the halfway point of the sadhana. Hopefully, you are beginning to feel and experience a rhythm; it could be simply dropping in to connect, the bliss within the pauses, the exhilaration of the exercises, or the letting go during savasana.
Whatever and however ...
Day 21 Sadhana for Letting Go
The Humming Bee Breath!
Some of the benefits include:
Calms and quiets the mind.
Soothes the nerves.
Relieves stress and anxiety.
Dissipates anger.
Lowers blood pressure.
Bolsters the health of the throat.Many of these benefits are also felt during and after our meditation!
Day 22 Sadhana for Letting Go
The chant we use in this class is broken down as...
Sat means truth.
Nam means name, identity, and/or purpose.
Wahe means to be ecstatic or the Wow in life.
Guru is the teacher or lesson.Be open to the truth that lies within the magical and mystical lessons.