Congratulations! You have made it to the halfway point of the sadhana. Hopefully, you are beginning to feel and experience a rhythm; it could be simply dropping in to connect, the bliss within the pauses, the exhilaration of the exercises, or the letting go during savasana.
Whatever and however you are showing up ~ keep coming and do the best the best you can each time. That is a challenge in and of itself.
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Day 21 Sadhana for Letting Go
The Humming Bee Breath!
Some of the benefits include:
Calms and quiets the mind.
Soothes the nerves.
Relieves stress and anxiety.
Dissipates anger.
Lowers blood pressure.
Bolsters the health of the throat.Many of these benefits are also felt during and after our meditation!
Day 22 Sadhana for Letting Go
The chant we use in this class is broken down as...
Sat means truth.
Nam means name, identity, and/or purpose.
Wahe means to be ecstatic or the Wow in life.
Guru is the teacher or lesson.Be open to the truth that lies within the magical and mystical lessons.
Day 23 Sadhana for Letting Go
Sa Ta Na Ma ~ The Chant for New Beginnings
When you repeat the sounds you have a choice at what level or vibration you want to speak it to.
~ Silently it moves this vibration to the infinite or beyond you: God, Divine, Mother Nature, Universe, or whatever feels right to you.
~ Whispering it sp...