40 Day Sadhana Truth Seekers - Coming 2025

40 Day Sadhana Truth Seekers - Coming 2025

The Sat Kriya Meditation:
Sat Kriya is known not only as a meditation but also as a complete class. It is that awesome! Sat, pronounced suht, means Truth. Nam, pronounced naam, means name, purpose, or identity. Sat Nam can be translated as “truth is my name, identity, and purpose.”

When chanted, you identify your truth while clearing away what is not and connecting to your innate purpose or dharma. The benefits include facilitating deep relaxation while strengthening the nervous system, awakening sexual energy and/or passion in life, and building heart health. These benefits are directly related to the receivers within the 7 major chakras (energetics) that are being worked within the physical plane. In essence, you are tapping into both the inward and outward energetics to develop harmony and balance.

Why 40 days?
In the Kundalini tradition, it is believed that it takes 40 days to create a habit or pattern. This can be good or bad for your health, sweetie. ‘Sadhana’ is a spiritual practice. So, when you practice a 40-day sadhana, you invest sacred time for greater health and well-being. You begin taking steps daily to be the priority in your life. This is you practicing the airplane crash scenario; you know, place your air mask on first before assisting others😉 When done daily, it can be transformational. You are washing and tuning into the mind, body, and spirit before interacting with the world.

40 Day Sadhana Truth Seekers - Coming 2025