40 Day Sadhana for Letting Go

40 Day Sadhana for Letting Go

41 Episodes

Enjoy a 20-25 minute full practice including connecting, pranayama, meditation, and kundalini yoga that will allow you space to let go of the stress, worries, and doubts to let in the possibilities and opportunities. The meditation will offer you a supportive space to begin to ground in and feel "I am Divine; creative, sacred, and invincible". If you are feeling overwhelmed or fearful this is the perfect practice for you to lean into. It is suitable for all students.

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40 Day Sadhana for Letting Go
  • Day 24 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 1

    Move the Breath to Move Your Life.

    It sounds simple. What if we train ourselves to take deep breaths when being confronted with a challenge? This moment or chapter of your life could be one of growth and adversity.

    Imagine if we taught ourselves to slow down to deeply move fresh new air throug...

  • Day 25 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 2

    Let's talk about flossing the breath.

    Floss literally means to clean between. When we allow ourselves to laterally stretch the side body, we are creating space in between the ribs and taking the breath into the lungs deeper. This will build and strengthen the capacity to bring in and release MOR...

  • Day 26 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 3

    This class cleans out and strengthens our lungs and aura.

    Building a strong spine and the capacity to direct the breath deeply in and out of the lungs is the first step of aura cleansing.

    Our aura is the energy that surrounds us. Imagine a bubble that contains your mood, emotions, strengths, ...

  • Day 27 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 4

    Today is a great day for cleaning up our 3rd chakra, manipura, at the solar plexus. The navel center is a powerful place because it is how we steer our life.

    When balanced, we move from a place of self-confidence. When overstimulated, we move from the ego. When it is under-balanced, we may move ...

  • Day 28 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 5

    A kriya set for the glandular system, navel reset, and elimination!

  • Day 29 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 6

    Breathing only in and out the left nostril is called the Peaceful Breath. It moves you into the feminine energy of the lunar cycle and offers a sense of ease.

  • Day 30 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 7

    The breath this morning activates the side of the brain that initiates change!

    You can do it anywhere at any time. Inhale the left nostril and exhale out the right nostril. Visually you can move the inhale in and down the spine and the exhale up and out.

    Practice Practice Practice ~ this one t...

  • Day 31 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 8

    Wake up and become aware of what you really want.

  • Day 32 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 9

    β€œIn the place of stillness, rises potential. From the place of potential, emerges possibility. Where there is possibility, there is choice, and where there is choice, there is freedom!” – Gabrielle Goddard

  • Day 33 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 10

    What if the wisest and most compassionate Guru (teacher) resided within the stillness of YOU?

    Would show up for the lessons a little bit more?

    Would you sit at the edge of the chair, leaning in to hear and feel the insights with excitement and curiosity?

    Today is that day, beautiful!

  • Day 34 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 11

    The kriya set moves energy powerfully from the 3rd chakra to the upper energy center to build the ability and willingness to accept something with humbleness.

  • Day 35 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 12

    Move the body to move the mind and stiffness you may be experiencing.

  • Day 36 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 13

    Allow yourself time to receive the moon's invitation to notice what still needs to be let go.

  • Day 37 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 14

    The last exercise releases tension from the body.

    "Move the body to move the mind," said Gloria Latham.

  • Day 38 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 15

    The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It keeps body fluid levels in balance and defends the body against infections. In Ayurveda, it is referred to as the juicy and unctuous sap-like liquid in our life ~ Rasa Dhatu. One of the ways we have been tending to this layer in Kundalini yoga...

  • Day 39 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 16

    Circular Movement

    Energetically speaking, some of our major chakras move in straight lines horizontally or vertically. These are masculine energies. The other energies are more fluid and move all around you and within you. These are the feminine energetic wheels.

    When we allow ourselves to feel...

  • Day 40 Sadhana for Letting Go

    Episode 17

    Write down all your wins during this 40-day Sadhana?

    Size does not matter. Did you sign up? YES! That is a win! Did you press enter live or watch the recording? Yes! That is a win. Did you do the best you can even if you couldn't do all the exercises? All of this counts, so write down all of the...