40 Day Sadhana for Honest Self

40 Day Sadhana for Honest Self

40 Episodes

Enjoy a 20-25 minute full practice including connecting, pranayama, meditation, and kundalini yoga to awaken and build the capacity to be your honest self. If you are in a place of trying to fine-tune "what do I want and need now?" This 40-day sadhana is a beautiful start as you begin to sift through past ideas, present expectations, and future fears. Speaking from your honest self. This practice can be done from the chair or the floor. If you choose to do it from a chair, please refer to the chair yoga tips and tricks video for reference.

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40 Day Sadhana for Honest Self
  • Day 25 Sadhana

    Episode 1

    Today's class will give energize you! When you move in your heart, it will literally light you up. You will feel the blood moving, the heart beating, and energy circulating within and around you. Modify as much as you need, but don't quit...pause and start again as much as you need.

  • Day 26 Sadhana

    Episode 2

    “If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.”
    ― Dr. Roopleen
    Anything is possible!

  • Day 27 Sadhana

    Episode 3

    The Solar Plexus is referred to as the "shining gem".

    It is the core of your personality and identity. When balanced, it allows your authentic self to shine brightly. This forms your deepest connections to willpower, self-discipline, and self-esteem.

    So if this week has been challenging for yo...

  • Day 28 Sadhana

    Episode 4

    Inhalation represents taking in, receiving, strength, and the ability to nourish.
    Exhalation represents letting go, serving, elimination, and freedom.

    Which is easier for you to do?
    Which one is more challenging for you?

    Allow yourself a moment to ponder and maybe journal your answers.

  • Day 29 Sadhana

    Episode 5

    Nadi Shodhana
    Reverse nostril breathing is beneficial at any time of day. It purifies your energetic channels while balancing your left and right brain hemispheres. It is referred to as a purification breath for this reason.

  • Day 30 Sadhana

    Episode 6

    Get really good at screwing up & getting up!

    You see me doing it. I tend to laugh, call myself out on it, and move on. Here in this environment, it is the most amazing space to practice grace, forgiveness, and perseverance. This is the safe playground for learning who and how you are within a ch...

  • Day 31 Sadhana

    Episode 7

    Grab a blanket or a block before pushing play for this class!

    When life internally or externally seems chaotic, may I suggest taking 3-10 minutes to invert yourself?

    Inversions are postures that allow the blood to move toward the head. We do it all the time either when the head is below the hea...

  • Day 32 Sadhana

    Episode 8

    Being grateful with a slight smile just seems right. Try it!

  • Day 33 Sadhana

    Episode 9

    "Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."

    ― Maya Angelou

    When I think about building strength, courage needs to accompany the journey. At some point, you will be tempted by your mind to fall back into old patte...

  • Day 34 Sadhana

    Episode 10

    Resting in the Known ~ A Spiritual Practice

    The need to know subsides, and the challenges melt away. Resting in the self is waking up from what we are not into the state we call unity consciousness, where the memory of wholeness returns. It's a seeing, a knowing, that is utterly pure. It's witho...

  • Day 35 Sadhana

    Episode 11

    The definition of mobility is the ability to move or be moved freely and easily. Think of where your hips are and what they connect you to.

    They are the keepers of your womb space ~ the place where things are birthed, inspired, felt, and flow.

    Below them, they connect you to your foundation and...

  • Day 36 Sadhana

    Episode 12

    This class is a kriya set that will turn on, reboot, and jump-start your lymphatic, circulatory, and respiratory systems. It will wake you up in the body, mind, and spirit!

    According to the Google Dictionary stimulation means:
    encouragement of something to make it develop or become more active.

  • Day 37 Sadhana

    Episode 13

    Har Hari

    It is cathartic. It will allow relief as you direct your voice, belly, and movements. It is an aid to clearing out the "shoulda, woulda, couldas" in your patterns, thoughts, and actions to create possibilities.

    Transformation and manifestation happen within this work. It is where we f...

  • Day 38 Sadhana

    Episode 14

    The chant & movements just hit the right spots to lubricate, stimulate, and prepare us for our day.

    If you are new to kundalini yoga, you might have noticed it has nothing to do about nailing a pose. This style of yoga is all about creating stamina, mobility, and strength in the body and mind to...

  • Day 39 Sadhana

    Episode 15

    This practice works on the level of the nervous system. It is the largest and most amazing highway for communication with the brain. When it is strong we feel and connect to where we are and our bodies respond appropriately.

    That hurt.
    That is hot.
    That feels good.
    I feel scared.
    I feel happy.

  • Day 40 Sadhana

    Episode 16

    You have arrived! You did and are amazing!

    Now what? You do not have to be done.

    One of the greatest things we can do is keep dipping into what holds and connect us to the body, mind, and spirit. Even when life gets tough and messy, you can lean into this daily. Now you understand why. It doe...